Saturday, May 7, 2011

Celebrating Mothers

On this Mother's Day, I'm so thankful to be a mother, and I'm also thankful to have such a great Mom. So, I decided to list some things about my Mom that make her special to me.
-Mom was born in the south and she had a huge family with 8 brothers and sisters
-She married her high school sweetheart (my Dad)
-She is a great cook
-Mom worked 2 jobs for many years to support our family, and still managed to cook, clean and do laundry.
-When we were kids, Mom use to fall asleep every night on the couch and then wake up and start asking questions about the tv show we were watching
-She loves flowers and has a green thumb
-She raised and put up with the ups, downs, and emotions of 3 daughters
-She never let us say “fart” or “shut-up”- she preferred "poot" and "hush"
-Mom taught me the importance of sitting down to dinner every evening as a family
-She tends to go way off the subject sometimes when telling a story
-She has a great sense of humor
-Mom is easy going and not temperamental
-My Mom loves dogs and every dog she has owned has been like her child (spoiled rotten)
-She laughs pretty loud, but when she get really tickled there is no sound
-She hates confrontation and breaks out in hives when she gets upset or nervous (thanks for passing that trait on to me, Mom)
-She is not mushy-gushy but she is kind and caring
-Mom encouraged me to be an artist and still encourages me to follow my dreams
-Mom thought the world of my Dad
-She loves her family with all her heart
-My Mom is awesome!

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